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【第1句】:公事公办。CheatsneverprosperBusiness is business. Cheatsneverprosper

【第2句】:美德永远不衰老。Virtue never grows old.

【第3句】:无错不可纠。No wrong without remedy.

【第4句】:若有人称赞你,要自问对不对。If you are praised, ask yourself if you are right.

【第5句】:人都向旭日膜拜,不向夕阳顶礼。Men worship the rising sun, not the setting sun.

【第6句】:谎言者要有好的记忆力。Liars need good memories.

【第7句】:不要过早乐观。Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.

【第8句】:万物逢时皆美好。Everything is good in its season.

【第9句】:眼不见,心不烦。Out of sight, out of mind.

【第10句】:水火是忠仆,造灾成元凶。Fire and water are good servants, but bad masters.

【第11句】:困兽犹斗。A sleepy beast will turn.

【第12句】:人孰无过。Every man has his faults.

【第13句】:质重于量。Quality is better than quantity.

【第14句】:疾病使人亮出本来面目。Sickness shows us what we really are.

【第15句】:过则勿惮改。Never too late to mend.

【第16句】:最后的聪明才算真聪明。Wisdom in the end is wisdom indeed.

【第17句】:拔苗助长。Let the grass grow before it grows.

【第18句】:自然,时间和耐心,是三大伟大的医生。Nature, time and patience are the three great physicians.

【第19句】:一块一块把石移,高山也可变平地。Remove a stone by stone, and a mountain will be leveled.

【第20句】:饮水思源。Think while you drink.

【第21句】:天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。Every dog has his day.

【第22句】:猫有九条命;吉人天相。A cat has nine lives. Fortune knocks once at least at every man's gate.

【第23句】:眼不馋,心不贪。The eye is not greedy, the heart is not greedy.

【第24句】:公说公有理,婆说婆有理。There is much to be said on both sides.

【第25句】:说大话者多谎言。A great talker is a great liar.

【第26句】:如果想做成点事,就得付出代价一干。If you want something done, you must pay the price.

【第27句】:要化敌为友。Make your enemy your friend.

【第28句】:娶了妻娶了个主人。He that hath a wife hath a master.

【第29句】:猫也有权晋见国王。A cat may look at a king.

【第30句】:恐惧源于无知。Fear always springs from ignorance.

【第31句】:一闲生百邪。One idle hour brings out all evils.

【第32句】:母亲的心肠是孩子的课堂。A mother's heart is a child's classroom.

【第33句】:年轻人可能会死,老年人难免不亡。Young men may die, old men must die.

【第34句】:养虎贻患。Bring up a mussel.

【第35句】:应该做的决心做,决心做的务必做。Resolve to do what you ought, and to do what you resolve.

【第36句】:如果没有智慧,财富就无价值。Wealth is nothing without wisdom.

【第37句】:饶了坏人便伤了好人。Pardoning the bad is injuring the good.

【第38句】:不要谋之过早。Don't jump the gun.

【第39句】:近庙欺神。The nearest temple deceives the god.

【第40句】:智者寡言。A still tongue makes a wise head.

【第41句】:行为可显出一个人的品性。Actions reveal a man's character.

【第42句】:童年时代快乐的人是幸福的。Happy is he that is happy in childhood.

【第43句】:不犯错误的人往往也就是无所作为的人。The man who makes no mistakes is often the same as the man who does nothing.

【第44句】:好景不常在,好花不常开。Every day is not Sunday.

【第45句】:日落之前,平息你的怒火吧。Calm your anger before sunset.

【第46句】:白天当白天,夜晚当夜晚,生活过得好,愉快而多欢。Make the night night, and the day day, and you will have a pleasant time of it.

【第47句】:人爱其家。A man loves his house.

【第48句】:雨雪不调,五谷价高。If the rain and snow do not adjust, grain prices are high.

【第49句】:良好的开端是成功的一半。A good beginning is half done.

【第50句】:凡事都应该用得其所。Everything should be used to its purpose.

【第51句】:在同一个人那里上两次当只能怪自己。You have only yourself to blame for being taken in twice by the same man.

【第52句】:忍耐是最好的药物。Patience is the best physic.

【第53句】:自己不动,叫天何用。Heaven never helps the man who will not move.

【第54句】:一个敌人也太多。One enemy is too many.

【第55句】:爱情始甜而终苦。Love is sweet before it is bitter.

【第56句】:切莫一见钟情。Love at first sight.

【第57句】:爱情是比责任更好的老师。Love is a better teacher than duty.

【第58句】:文如其人。The style is the man.

【第59句】:挂羊头,卖狗肉。Cry wine and sell vinegar.

【第60句】:逆境出人才。Adversity makes a man wise.

【第61句】:吃得快,做得快。Quick at meal, quick at work.

【第62句】:学得快,忘得快。Soon learn, soon forgotten.

【第63句】:新闻就像鱼,过后不新鲜。News is like fish, it's not fresh after.

【第64句】:不要本末倒置。Don't put the cart before the horse.

【第65句】:一分钱,一分货。You get what you pay for.

【第66句】:跌倒容易爬起难。It is easier to fall than to rise.

【第67句】:先律己,后律人。Judge not of others, but of yourself.

【第68句】:爱情是盲目的。爱情使人对缺点视而不见。情人眼里出西施。Love is blind. Love blinds a man to his faults. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

【第69句】:聪明的人有足够的才智处理自己的事情。A wise man is wise enough to handle his own business.

【第70句】:如要忠告向老人请教。Ask an old man for advice.

【第71句】:耻于问者耻于学。He who is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning.

【第72句】:尽力而为,尽力节约,尽力施舍。Try your best, save as much as you can, give as much as you can.

【第73句】:毅然处理困难局面。Resolve to deal with difficult situations.

【第74句】:失败是成功之母。Failure is the mother of success.

【第75句】:仅仅节约就是一笔财产。Economy alone is an estate.

【第76句】:一次痛苦的经验抵得上千百次的告诫。One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning.

【第77句】:谎言是做贼的第一步。A lie is the first step to becoming a thief.

【第78句】:人心不同,犹如其面。Men are not what they seem.

【第79句】:猜疑伤害莫逆之交。Suspicion hurts the best friends.

【第80句】:过分谦虚即骄傲。Too much humility is pride.

【第81句】:水火金钱是忠仆,使用不当是祸首。Fire, water, and money are good servants, but bad masters.

【第82句】:不懂挣钱和积财,只能永远当奴才。He who does not know how to earn and save must always be a slave.

【第83句】:事情耽搁太久就没有人会感谢了。Too long and no one will thank you.

【第84句】:大腹便便,头脑空虚。"Big belly, empty head."

【第85句】:如不相互尊重,爱情就难发展。Love cannot develop without mutual respect.

【第86句】:英雄所见略同。Great minds think alike.

【第87句】:疾病是不正当娱乐的代价。Illness is the price of ill pleasures.

【第88句】:撒谎比偷窃更可恶。Lying is worse than stealing.

【第89句】:交友慢,失友快。A friend is not so soon gotten as lost.

【第90句】:机不可失,时不再来when an opportunity is not available, it is not time to halves again

【第91句】:学坏容易。A bad lesson is soon learned.

【第92句】:最好的朋友是指出我们的缺点并帮助改正的人。The best friend is the one who points out our shortcomings and helps us correct them.

【第93句】:人人都有伤心处。Every heart has its own sorrow.

【第94句】:由此及彼。From here to there.

【第95句】:勿缘木求鱼。Don't go fishing for fish.

【第96句】:(OM)当达到爱的较高境界时,一切都变得明亮而平静,就像天上的星星一样When we reach the higher plane of love, everything becomes as bright and quiet as the stars in the sky

【第97句】:欲找朋友无缺点,永远不会有朋友。He that would have a friend without fault will never have one.

【第98句】:无人能有所欲有。No one can have all he wants.

【第99句】:如果懂得好好利用,生命就长了。Life is long if you know how to use it.


